When you do any customer service business, it is difficult possible for you to keep your eye on which customer product is under warranty or not. It is hard to store those details in a notebook or excel. No one can read notebooks each day to get this information. Because of that, we give unnecessary service to customers whose warranty is expired. Sometimes, we forget to inform customers that their product warranty is expired. In that case, Warranty Management Software help in streamlining those activities of your AMC business.
Warranty handling system can help you in maintaining warranty details of the product of each of your customers. You can store this information on a single platform using this software. You can also access this information anywhere and anytime. You can avoid mistakes and redundancy of your customer and their product data. Also, you can increase your customer satisfaction.
Manager can keep track of which customer warranty is expiring within 30 days. You can also send the request to those customers for extending the warranty period of their product. By this, the manager can stop giving unnecessary service to those customers whose warranty is expired.
Manager can track which customer has returned or replaced their products within their product expiry. You can also maintain the detail of customer who has extended period of warranty of their product. You can store information of which issue for which product of customer you had solved during their warranty period. You can track which problems you have not solved during the product warranty period. So that, you can improve those areas. By this, you can avoid the loss of your customer in the future. You can set adjust this Product Warranty Management Software according to the rules of warranty of your products.
ServeWell CRM offering India's Best Warranty Management Software which is Very Easy, Low Cost & Customizable. You are just a phone call away to grow your customer service Business, Get free demo or consultation of Warranty Management Software on +919423964353
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